Logo Design
Logo Design For New Brands.
For any new business, especially a fashion business, designing the brand logo is the very first part of creating your brand identity. It is the most prominent part of your image that the public get to see. Your customised brand logo appears on everything, from packaging to letter heads.
A logo design can be typographical, an illustration, or a combination of both. We can create your fashion brand logo based around your visions for your brand identity, and your own preferences for colour. If you already have a brand identity, then we will integrate your logo round this.
Getting the typography is important for branding. Our logo designer can discuss this with you if you decide to use our services.
Where Are We Located ?
We are located in Greenwich, South East London.
Online Video Course For Fashion Startups.
We have created an online video course for anyone interested in how to start a fashion brand in the UK. The course consists of nineteen chapters. It is available to download to study from home in your own time. Just email for details.
This online video course was created by senior fashion business adviser, designer, and entrepreneur, Emile Vidal Carr. He has over twenty years experience in the fashion industry, running his own businesses and helping UK startups. He is also author of The Fashion Formula.
The course costs £200 for all nineteen chapters. Or less than half price using the code LPC 24 – Just £99 for all nineteen chapters.
We provide a first class bespoke printing service if required.
We provide a first class Embroidery Service if required.
How Much Does It Cost ?
The price for creating a customised brand logo tends to range from £150 to £500. The larger the business is, generally the higher the price. We normally suggest a standard design service for startups.
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