Childrenswear Pattern Cutter
Childrenswear Pattern Cutting.
(036-028). Childrenswear is a specialised area of pattern cutting that requires a great deal of experience to master, but is far less technical and demanding than pattern making for adults.
Although there are childrens body measurement charts, there is no standardised sizing for childrenswear, so each brand needs to work out their own size and fit.
Children come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, are very active, and grow at an alarming rate.This all makes it unrealistic to make childrens clothing that fits precisely.
Childrenswear is meant to be worn a little on the big side to allow for growth, and also needs to allow for continuous and challenging rough treatment.
We are far less demanding of the intricacies of fit and balance of childrenswear, for all sorts of reasons. Even trying to fit new samples on a child can be a challenge, so fitting has to be done as quickly as possible.
Children will soon let you know if they dont like the style, or if they feel uncomfortable. They particularly dont like tight fitting necks, and may refuse to even put a garment on if it doesnt go on easily.
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Hanger Appeal.
All clothing needs to be designed and cut with hanger appeal in mind. This applies even more so for childrenswear, as styles are normally bought by mothers or family, without trying on for fit.
The main criteria used to buy childrens clothing is based on overall design, durability, quality, and price. Although general fit is a consideration, a precise fit is not important as long as there is enough room to grow.
There are very few freelance childrenswear pattern cutters, because it is unlikely there would be enough freelance work around to make it profitable.
When you work in-house as a childrens pattern cutter, you will likely work on a specific age range, and on one specific base size.
So you will be familiar with pattern making for that one size. You get to know exactly what shape looks right for that age. If you have to then make a pattern for a completely different size you will be less confident.
A pattern cutter who is not familiar with childrenswear at all, will have no idea what the right pattern shape should look like. Neither will they have any idea of the many little things that make childrenswear pattern making different.
For any type of pattern it is always advisable to have a good reference garment as a starting point. This is especially true of childrenswear, Trial and error needs to avoided, to ensure that the pattern is right first time round.
Our Services.
Unlike other pattern making services, we are very experienced in childrens pattern making. We know how to get results first time round. We provide a comprehensive range of services including – pattern making. Design. Grading. Tech packs. Small production runs.
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