Swimwear Pattern Cutting Classes
One-To-One Classes.
(006).Our one to one swimwear pattern cutting course is ideal for anyone, whether you are completely new to pattern cutting, or an experienced pattern cutter wanting to learn how to cut and grade swimwear patterns.
You would learn how to cut all types of stretch and woven swimwear style – Bikinis, swimsuits, bandeaux, halter necks, tankinis, etc. We normally work from a basic block size 10, but we can also work with you to develop styles in your own size, or a size of your choosing. Learn how to cut custom swim wear patterns for yourself or your new swimwear business.
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London Studio.
Our one-to-one or paired swimwear pattern cutting class is located in our London studios in Greenwich.
Online Classes.
If you would prefer live online tuition from your own home, then we can offer you several alternatives with our swimwear specialist pattern cutters.
Stretch Fabrics.
Some swimwear fabrics have more stretch than others. Some stretch in one direction only, while others stretch in both directions. If there is a significant difference in the fabrics, the same design may need separate patterns for different fabrics. Sometimes it is just a matter of grading to a bigger or smaller size, or just grading lengthwise or widthwise.
Pattern Cutting For Startups.
Many of our swimwear pattern cutting students are startup entrepreneurs who want to understand how to cut their own swimwear patterns. These are the main reasons this is important for startups :-
- It is important to understand how swimwear is constructed in order to design garments that are both functional and cost effective.
- You need to be able to explain your design to the pattern cutter, factory, machinist, or tech pack designer.
- It helps to be able to offer constructive suggestions for improvements on both the fit and the construction during fit meetings. If you dont know how to explain or achieve what you want it could cost you money.
- It can save a considerable amount of money if you can create the patterns for your own designs. You save on pattern cutting costs and tech pack costs.
- You know exactly what you want, so you dont need to explain to a pattern cutter what you want. You can design as you go, and decide on changes as you go, without having to consult with anyone else.
Swimwear Pattern Cutting For Designers.
Many of the benefits of learning how to cut your own designs for startups applies also to the swimwear designer. It is easier and cheaper if you can pattern cut your designs, as well as design them.
You dont need to employ a pattern cutter. You dont even need to start from a fully realised design – You can just design as you go. Swimwear is a very specialised field, and there are few swimwear pattern cutters around the UK.
Learn The Basics.
Swimwear pattern cutting is a specialist area of pattern making, but one in which the basics can be learnt relatively easily.
As with any other subject, you never stop learning about how to cut swimwear patterns. But once you have an understanding of the basics you can go on to cut any type of swimwear pattern.
We will teach you the basics of swimwear pattern cutting, so that you can be able to continue learning on your own, or with assistance from our tutors when needed.
Flat Pattern Cutting.
We teach you the basics of flat pattern cutting so that you understand how to use swimwear blocks to create new styles of your own. Much of swimwear involves negative ease, which means that they have to stretch in order to fit the body. The pattern shapes can look a lot different to conventional pattern shapes for wovens.
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Modelling On The Stand.
We at The London Pattern Cutter like to encourage modelling on the stand. Or maybe a mixture of flat pattern cutting with draping.
Contour Pattern Cutting.
Contour pattern cutting refers to cutting patterns for close fitting garments, such as corsetry, lingerie, performance sportswear, swimwear, nightwear, and athleisurewear.
Three Elements To Pattern Cutting.
There are three basic elements to pattern cutting :-
- Firstly you need to cut the pattern shape. This is generally referred to as creative pattern cutting. As the term suggests, it is the creative and maybe most important part of pattern cutting.
- Secondly, you need to add linings, wiring etc. Although an important part of the process, this is fairly straight forward with swimwear, although you do need to choose your linings carefully in order to complement the main fabric.
- Thirdly, you need to check the final pattern, add notches, seam allowances, grain lines, and annotations. Again, this is a very important part of the process, as it tells the factory how to make your garment. Sometimes this is a completely separate job to creative pattern cutting.
Provide Your Own Designs.
With our swimwear pattern cutter classes, once you understand the basics, you can provide your own designs, or develop your design ideas from sketches, images and garments. Alternatively our tutors can provide the designs for you to make patterns for.
If you need help in developing your designs, our tutors can help you. You will be able to produce your own patterns from the initial concept into professionally finished, factory ready patterns.
This very flexible course will be conducted by an expert in the field of swimwear pattern cutting, experienced in working with complete beginners and experienced professionals alike.
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Paired Tuition.
If you have a colleague, or a friend who is also interested in learning how to cut swimwear patterns, we are happy to provide paired tuition at a significant discount.
Mood Board.
Apart from your sketches and designs, you may want to bring with you a mood board of general ideas and that convey the type of style or specific detail that you are aiming for. These should include anything that you think is relevant in order to get across your thoughts, moods or feelings about your designs.
If you have garments that you like, either for the general fit, or specific details, then bring these too. Bring anything that will help your pattern cutting tutor understand your ideas. Bring buttons, trims or scraps of fabric to illustrate the materials you would like to use, or the colours that you like.
Dont worry if you cant sketch professionally. Your tutor will work with you so that you can go away with professional looking sketches. They will help you hone your ideas into well worked out detailed sketches that a pattern cutter can work from.
They will help you with design details such as type of stitching and trims. If you are unsure what type of fabrics to use, or where to source the fabrics and trims, they can help you there too.
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